COPAA Online Training
the below search functions to locate an online training. Only trainings that are on demand or currently open for registration will appear.
You can search by product type (classes, learning paths, webinars).
Learning Paths are fully on-demand collections of recorded webinars and resources on a specific topic. You are able to complete the learning paths at your own pace and at your convenience, as there are no required live online sessions. Some of our learning paths offer a printable certificate of attendance upon completing the learning path. You can find which learning paths provide certificates in the description.
Online classes include live online class sessions, assignments with personalized grading, an opportunity to interact with peers and instructors, and have a specific class schedule to follow. Some classes offer recorded class content with a live sessions for Q&A and interactive activities and other classes are 100% live and online. Check the class description for more details. You will receive a printable certificate of completion after successfully complete the course requirements. If CLEs are applicable, it is noted in the course description.
Stand alone webinars offer an option for those who may not want to engage in a full learning path, but are interested in a single webinar topic. Most of our webinars are on demand and pre-recorded. The live webinars are noted in our upcoming events calendar and in the description of the event. The live webinars may be in a roundtable format or more informal format. Please check the description for details.
![E-Publications E-Publications](https://85eab0a0a5c28f125b86-2b5fdcdcca566c84afda40f7399f7c36.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/copaa_eac67365898f65393e31df700e845470.jpg)
E-publications are either stand alone publications or a series of publication pulled together on a particular topic. We are offering e-publications for those who prefer to read (rather than watch a webinar) and all of the materials are downloadable to your device.
Search COPAA's Online Training Opportunities
Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 03/06/2025 at 12:00 PM (EST)
March 6-9, 2025 in Irvine, CA
Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 02/18/2025 at 12:00 PM (EST)
Join us for this monthly session to welcome new members to the COPAA community and provide an overview of your membership. We review the website functionally, explain how to access key resources and of course, questions and answers. Learn how to make the most of your COPAA membership! If you do not yet have a COPAA membership, please first apply here (https://www.copaa.org/page/joinus). Once approved, you will be able to register!
Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 02/17/2025 at 6:00 PM (EST)
COPAA Parent Committee Co-Chairs, Missy Alexander and Theresa Sester, are facilitating a Parent Member meeting to gain insight on what parents hope to gain from their COPAA membership, provide information on the Parent Committee, notify parent members where to submit feedback for upcoming Parent Committee events and resources, review what resources are available to COPAA parent members, and more!
Parents, students, educators, and advocates participating in IEP meetings have a new resource to improve access to assistive technology (AT) for students with disabilities. With January 2024 federal guidance as the primary resource, this session will highlight new clarifications, discuss the myths and facts of providing AT to students with disabilities under IDEA, and provide new IEP-ready resources to help ensure students can fully access and benefit from their AT.
A Look at the Rapidly Evolving State and Local Policy Landscape and Issues That Impact Students with Disabilities 2024 COPAA Conference, Webinar, slide deck, and white paper Legislative Advocacy A Road Map to Effectively Passing Legislation In Your State 2023 COPAA Conference Webinar, slide deck, and white paper ***Bonus Materials*** We added a white paper and slide deck from the 2022 conference on Lobbying Your State Legislature. Please note we do not have a recording of this session
The School Avoidance Learning Path includes two webinars, with accompanying slide decks and white papers.
Analyzing Evaluations and Securing IEEs Learning Path includes 3 webinars and their associated materials. * IEEs in the Trenches Common Conflicts with LEAs 2023 Conference Recording * Interpreting Psycho-Educational Evaluations 2024 Conference Recording * Putting Feet on the IEP: Implementation, Fidelity Data, and Progress Monitoring Webinar 2017 Webinar Recording
Know Your Rights Under Section 504 - 1 hour webinar with Denise Marshall, COPAA's CEO and Selene Almazan, COPAA's Legal Director
The Tips and Strategies on Managing the IEP Process Learning Path includes eight webinars listed below: * Special Education Eligibility Decision-Making for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (2024 conference) * What is Specially Designed Instruction? (2024 conference) * It's 10 p.m. Do You Know Where Your Children's Present Levels of Performance Are? Strategies for Organized, Effective IEP Advocacy (2024 conference) * Legal Empowerment in Practice: A strategy for Fostering Clients' Engagement, Self-efficacy, and Advocacy skills, in IEP Meetings and Beyond (2024 conference) * Tips I Wish I Knew Before I Became An Advocate (2024 conference) * IEP Tips & Strategies For Parents To Use Before, During & After IEP Meetings * I'm in the IEP Meeting, Now What? (2024 conference) * Consent: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (2024 conference)
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